產品介紹: HOT櫻桃可食水基潤滑劑。
44115 HOT SUPERGLIDE CHERRY edible waterbased
安全食品標準的可食果味水基潤滑液!5種不同類型果味任君選擇。特別適合搭配保險套、橡膠乳膠制情趣玩具和情趣裝置一同使用。特殊配方特別呵護您細嫩的肌膚,可長時間使用。唇齒留有新鮮櫻桃香氣讓口愛過程變得更加歡愉、更具情趣。 edible lubricating gel! The edible waterbased, lubricating gel which comes in a choice of 5 exquisite The ingredients are also used in food and are therefore suitable for consumption. The fresh and fruity taste on the lips and tongue makes oral sex even more pleasurable and interesting for both partners.