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2019/8/26 10:49:37 ChinaSexQ.com 發(fā)表評論 評論小圖標(biāo) 瀏覽: 舉報
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and Hong Kong International Airport Transportation Information


To facilitate safety and transportation security for all visitors coming to the Asia Adult Expo, the organizing
committee has communicated closely to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and related

supporting units. The following information is to provide the latest information and confirmation regarding
venue, connecting transportation and airport condition.


1. Notice from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre


“Regarding the recent situation in Hong Kong, please note that Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition
Centre (Management) Limited (HML) is responsible for the professional management and operation of the
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Safety of visitors and staff has always been our top
priority. In regards to public activities outside the HKCEC, HML will communicate closely with event
organizers and relevant departments. We will closely monitor traffic situation, to enable events be
conducted smoothly and all participants inside the HKCEC can enjoy their activities comfortably and safely.”
“HML has a set of emergency preparedness plans and is ready to activate in response to emergencies to
enable the smooth operation of the HKCEC and its events. HML will monitor the situation and if needed,
strengthen security measures and make special arrangements accordingly.”



2. Transportation Information


HKCEC stands proudly on the waterfront of Hong Kong’s world-famous Victoria Harbour. It also places the
Centre right at the heart of the city, within the Central Business District. Visitor can walk to the HKCEC from
the MTR Wanchai Station or Wanchai ferry pier within 10 minutes; or you can also select the suggested
routes below:

香港會議展覽中心(會展中心),傲立在舉世著名的香港維多利亞港沿岸,位處核心地段,位置優(yōu)越。訪客僅需 10 分鐘即可步行至港鐵灣仔站或灣仔天星碼頭,或沿以下多個交通路線前往會展中心:

3. Hong Kong International Airport Flight Information


The Airport Authority has obtained an interim injunction to restrain persons from unlawfully and wilfully obstructing or interfering with the proper use of Hong Kong International Airport (the Airport), starting from 16 Aug. Under access control, the airport has been operated normally over the past week and is estimated to well-maintained for the coming weeks. Visitors provide access the following link(s) for updates
information and flight schedule:

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