重磅推薦:Satisfyer - 2020 ADC EXPO唯一贊助商
2020 ADC EXPO唯一贊助商 Satisfyer
敬請關注上海國際成人展ADC EXPO官方微信公眾號
展位號 A121
As a leading brand in the fast growing category of sexual wellness, satisfyer has been shifting the market by providing the highest quality sexual wellness devices at the most competitive pricing. We have grown steadily over the past 4 years and expanded our product portfolio to include a range of pleasure products for women, men, and couples that have been popularized worldwide and received over 270 Design Awards.
Our products have been featured over the past two years with full page print ads in publications such as Cosmo, Elle, and Glamour - which has helped galvanize our popularity while also normalizing our products, particularly amongst women who make up the largest market share within the sexual wellness movement.
In January 2020 we proudly launched our own app, Satisfyer Connect, at CES - the largest consumer technology event in the world. Satisfyer Connect received a TWICE Picks Award for its success in blending sexual health and technology on an interactive platform. This award demonstrates the appetite and respect for the merging of two rapidly growing categories - sexual health and technology. Judges specifically praised Satisfyer Connect for its features including haptic programming, motion sensing, and the ability to develop custom vibration patterns.
Our goal is to inspire never before seen brand growth with Satisfyer Connect at the forefront - enabling over 200 + products with unique selling propositions under a single technology, making it the most all inclusive sexual wellness app on the market.
Satisfyer is positioned to dominate the industry with its core strategy of under-cutting competitors by providing the highest quality products at unbelievably accessible price points - all while staying at the cutting edge of technological innovation. We are committed to mobilizing our resources and expanding our reach within mainstream outlets. As the sexual wellness movement continues to grow, here at Satisfyer we continue to motivate our talented team across the world in an effort to make Satisfyer the most influential sexual wellness brand ever before seen.
微信號 :Shanghai_ADCEXPO
新浪微博 :@上海國際成人用品展
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