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2017/5/11 13:42:31 ChinaSexQ.com 發(fā)表評(píng)論 評(píng)論小圖標(biāo) 瀏覽: 舉報(bào)


原定于今年夏天舉辦的大型貿(mào)易活動(dòng)2017英國(guó)成人用品博覽會(huì)(ETOShow)將被取消。英國(guó)成人用品博覽會(huì)(ETOShow)在組委會(huì)的支持下從2005年開(kāi)始舉辦,并且舉辦地點(diǎn)一直都是在英國(guó)伯明翰NEC國(guó)家展覽中心,2017年展會(huì)的主題被 “多一點(diǎn)商業(yè),少一點(diǎn)表演”所取代,并且展會(huì)地點(diǎn)也進(jìn)行了調(diào)整,但是展會(huì)的主辦單位卻忽然宣布:取消原定于今年6月舉辦的成人用品博覽會(huì)。

英國(guó)成人用品博覽會(huì)(ETOShow)的主辦方發(fā)言人Jonathan Kirk說(shuō)道:“作出這樣一個(gè)決定對(duì)我們來(lái)說(shuō)是非常痛苦的。我們擁有許多的忠實(shí)粉絲(參展者),他們從展會(huì)開(kāi)辦之時(shí)就一直支持我們的活動(dòng),但是今年夏天的展會(huì)真的是很難再繼續(xù)了,因?yàn)槲覀內(nèi)狈τ?guó)主要成員的贊助和支持。此前我們已經(jīng)意識(shí)到展會(huì)在NEC舉辦所需要的花費(fèi)是個(gè)問(wèn)題,這也是我們決定變更展會(huì)地點(diǎn)的原因,新的展會(huì)地點(diǎn)能夠幫助我們節(jié)省不少經(jīng)費(fèi)。減少至僅有一天表演時(shí)間也是為了節(jié)約費(fèi)用。然而,環(huán)境和社會(huì)的一些因素像英國(guó)退歐影響了通貨匯率,導(dǎo)致有些關(guān)鍵的參展商不想在今年的展會(huì)中再投入資金,沒(méi)有了他們的贊助今年的展會(huì)不可能順利舉辦!

ETO發(fā)行人Lee Schofield 表示:“取消這次英國(guó)唯一的大型專業(yè)貿(mào)易活動(dòng)真的是一件非常非常令人失望的事情,我們對(duì)所有已經(jīng)預(yù)定了今年展位的參展商感到十分抱歉,同時(shí)也非常對(duì)不起那些準(zhǔn)備參加今年展會(huì)的觀眾們。我們?cè)?jīng)討論過(guò)是在我們?nèi)鄙僦饕獏⒄股痰那闆r下繼續(xù)2017年的成人展;還是說(shuō)先暫停一年,在2018年再以全新的面貌回歸。最終我們選擇了后一種方案,我們寧愿缺少一次展會(huì)也不愿意舉辦一次豪不精彩的展會(huì)!


There will be no dedicated trade event in the UK this summer. The ETO Show, which has been running at the NEC since 2005, was set to be replaced by a ‘less show, more business’ event for 2017 at an alternative venue in the Midlands, but the show organisers have now announced that this will not take place.

ETO Show organiser Jonathan Kirk said: “This is a very painful decision for us to make. We have many loyal exhibitors who have been with us since the show began but it would have been difficult to stage an event this year without the support of all the main UK players. We were aware that the cost of exhibiting at the NEC was an issue, which was one of the reasons we tried to source an alternative venue which could offer exhibitors better value for money. Reducing the show down to a single day duration would have also helped in this regard. However, it appears that the uncertainty surrounding Brexit, and the impact it has had on currency rates, has resulted in some key exhibitors being reluctant to commit to any form of UK show this year and without their support it would be impossible to stage an event of which the industry could be proud.”

ETO publisher Lee Schofield said: “It is obviously very disappointing to cancel the UK’s only dedicated trade event with just a couple of months to go, and we are sorry to let down all those exhibitors who had booked space at this year’s show, as well as all the visitors who get so much from attending. We had to decide whether to continue with a 2017 show which would have been missing some key exhibitors, or take a sabbatical for a year and come back with a new proposition in 2018. After much discussion we have chosen the latter. We would rather have no show in 2017 than a lacklustre one.”

ETO editor Dale Bradford added: “The ETO Show weekend has become one of the key events in the industry calendar and the decision to cancel it was not taken lightly. In addition to all the buyers who attend, the event also attracts mainstream media, and industry companies can gain significant press coverage if their products catch the eye – an example being the feature that appeared in Metro last year. It’s a great shame that there won’t be a UK show this year and I’m sure it will be missed by many.”

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關(guān)于 2017英國(guó)成人展  的資訊


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